A E F#m A7 There are places i'll remember D Dm A All my life though some have changed A E F#m A7 Some forever not for better D Dm A Some have gone and some remain Припев: F#m Hm All these places have their moments G A With lovers and friends i still can recall F#m Hm Some are dead and some are living D Dm A In my life i've loved them all But of all these friends and lovers There is no one compares with you And these memories lose their meaning When i think of love as something new Припев: Though i know i'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know i'll often stop and think about them In my life i love you more - 2 раза | ТональностьСбросить Размер шрифтаСбросить Аппликатуры аккордовA A7 D Dm E F#m G Hm |
Если вы иинтересуетесь тем, как сыграть песню «In My Life» на укулеле, то посмотрите аккорды по ссылке: The Beatles - In My Life аккорды для укулеле.
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English version: Guitar Chords.