E In spite of all the danger In spite of all that may be A H I'll do anything for you, anything you want me to E A E If you'll be true to me In spite of all the heartaches That you made for me I'll do anything for you, anything you want me to If you'll be true to me A I'll look after you E Like I've never done before A I'll keep all those others H From knockin' at your door I'll do anything for you, anything you want me to If you'll be true to me | ТональностьСбросить Размер шрифтаСбросить Аппликатуры аккордовA E H |
Если вы иинтересуетесь тем, как сыграть песню «In Spite of All the Danger» на укулеле, то посмотрите аккорды по ссылке: The Beatles - In Spite of All the Danger аккорды для укулеле.
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English version: Guitar Chords.